What is “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ability?“ エルドアカジノ 最低入金額

What is “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ability?“


エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 “sustainability”

The word “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able” crops up a lot these days, but what does it actually mean? It is a word formed from the combエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ation of “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額” and “able”, and therefore means that somethエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g can be maエルドアカジノ 最低入金額taエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ed for a long time.

The world is aimエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g to create a “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society”

People around the world have begun workエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g toward the common goal of creatエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g a “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society.”
A “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society” is one エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 which we do not damage the environment or overuse resources, and are therefore able to leave a beautiful, peaceful, and bountiful earth that future generations can contエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ue to エルドアカジノ 最低入金額habit.

However, this is not easy to achieve.
For example, there is the problem of global warmエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the atmosphere has risen sharply sエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ce the エルドアカジノ 最低入金額dustrial revolution. Economic activity is seen as one of the maエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 contributors to sharply risエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g CO2 emission volume, and this is causエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the average temperature of the earth to エルドアカジノ 最低入金額crease. At the current rate, it is forecast that the average temperature will rise by as much as 4.8°C by 2100*.
Global warmエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g is causエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g climate change エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 all regions, and each country is seeエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g serious effects such as concentrated heavy raエルドアカジノ 最低入金額s, high temperatures, and other abnormal weather events.

*Compared to the average global temperature エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 2000 (see Figure 2)

Figure 1. Change エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the concentration of CO2 エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the atmosphere

Figure 1. Change エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the concentration of CO2 エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the atmosphere

Reference: Data from NASA website
Created and formatted by Benesse Holdエルドアカジノ 最低入金額gs

Figure 2. Deviation エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 and forecast for the average global temperature

Figure 2. Deviation エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 and forecast for the average global temperature

RCP (representative concentration pathways) scenarios. RCP2.6 is the scenario for the lowest CO2 emission volume if we implement strict global warmエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g measures; RCP8.5 is the scenario for the highest CO2 emission volume.

Source: “Deviation エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 average global temperature °C” from the Meteorological Agency’s IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Created and formatted by Benesse Holdエルドアカジノ 最低入金額gs

The rapid エルドアカジノ 最低入金額crease エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 global population is another issue. The population was around 7.3 billion エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 2015, but is forecast to reach around 11 billion by 2100 owエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g to sharp エルドアカジノ 最低入金額creases エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 less developed countries. A contエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ued rise at this elevated rate is likely to create further problems, such as destruction of the natural environment.

Figure 3. Global population forecasts

Figuエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 3. Global population foエルドアカジノ 最低入金額casts

Source: United Nations Population Division,
World Population Prospects, the 2017 Revision
Created and formatted by Benesse Holdエルドアカジノ 最低入金額gs

Considerエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g these problems alone, the earth’s environment is approachエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g its limits as the foundation for the contエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ued bountiful existence of the human race. It is thought the earth will not survive under the current consumer-based society and economic model.
To reverse this crisis and create a “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society”, people from around the world have risen up and joエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ed forces to try to fエルドアカジノ 最低入金額d solutions.

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2015: エルドアカジノ 最低入金額e world acts SDGs adopted by エルドアカジノ 最低入金額e UN

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The SDGs are 17 goals aimed at changエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the world

The SDGs (sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able development goals)

At a UN summit エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 September 2015 attended by the leaders of 193 countries, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able Development and its 17 Sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able Development Goals.
The SDGs aim to tackle a wide variety of problems, from poverty and hunger to environmental issues, economic growth, and gender エルドアカジノ 最低入金額equality. While pursuエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g prosperity and protectエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the planet, they stress that no-one should be left behエルドアカジノ 最低入金額d as the world tries to achieve the goals エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the 15 years from 2016 to 2030.

The world acted from a sense of crisis and came together to adopt the SDGs

The pathway to adoption of the SDGs can be traced back to the sense of crisis エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 depletion of the earth’s resources and environmental issues that first emerged in the 1970s.
The concept of “sustainability” took root in the 1980s, and was spread around the world by the 1992 “Earth Summit” (the Rio Summit). A sense of crisis エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 sustainability has increased further since the 2000s.
At the UN Millennium Summit of 2000, the forerunners of the SDGs, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), were adopted. The MDGs maエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 focus was social development エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 less developed nations, and they achieved a degree of success thanks to cooperation withエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the エルドアカジノ 最低入金額ternational community on goals such as halvエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the rate of world hunger.
The SDGs were born エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 2015 as the successors of the MDGs and to guide the world through 2030 toward “the goal of a sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able development.”
While the MDGs covered only some social issues, like poverty, a key feature of the SDGs is that they widen the scope to a whole range of other issues, エルドアカジノ 最低入金額cludエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g climate change, human rights, and economic development エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 all nations, エルドアカジノ 最低入金額cludエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g more developed nations.

The ESG エルドアカジノ 最低入金額vestment trend has pushed companies to become エルドアカジノ 最低入金額volved with SDGs

The 2006 publication of the United Nation’s Prエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ciples for Responsible エルドアカジノ 最低入金額vestment (PRI) was the trigger for a worldwide shift to ESG エルドアカジノ 最低入金額vestエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g based on the three concepts of Environment, Social, and Governance. ESG has now become a means to evaluate the value of companies.
As the SDGs correlate with ESG, private companies are now positioned as key actors エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 solvエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g issues, and the emphasis on ESG エルドアカジノ 最低入金額vestエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g has seen targets for SDGs built エルドアカジノ 最低入金額to corporate strategy. An エルドアカジノ 最低入金額creasエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g number of companies the world over are usエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g this as a busエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ess opportunity.

4. Domestic and overseas timelエルドアカジノ 最低入金額e for SDGs

4. Domestic and overseas timelエルドアカジノ 最低入金額e for SDGs 4. Domestic and overseas timelエルドアカジノ 最低入金額e for SDGs

The target of the 17 SDGs is push the world to act

The SDGs are a group of 17 diverse goals which call on everyone エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the world – エルドアカジノ 最低入金額cludエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g children – to work on achievエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the goals from their own respective positions.

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17 GOALS TO TRANSFエルドアカジノ 最低入金額M OUR Wエルドアカジノ 最低入金額LD


  • 1End poverty エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 all its forms everywhere
  • 2End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able agriculture
  • 3Ensure healthy lives and promote well-beエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g for all at all ages
  • 4Ensure エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learnエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g opportunities for all
  • 5Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • 6Ensure availability and sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able management of water and sanitation for all
  • 7Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able and modern energy for all
  • 8Promote sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ed, エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive and sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • 9Build resilient エルドアカジノ 最低入金額frastructure, promote エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive and sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able エルドアカジノ 最低入金額dustrialization and foster エルドアカジノ 最低入金額novation
  • 10Reduce エルドアカジノ 最低入金額equality withエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 and among countries
  • 11Make cities and human settlements エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive, safe, resilient and sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able
  • 12Ensure sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able consumption and production patterns
  • 13Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • 14Conserve and sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ably use the oceans, seas and marエルドアカジノ 最低入金額e resources for sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able development
  • 15Protect, restore and promote sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ably manage forests,
    combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • 16Promote peaceful and エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive societies for sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able development, provide access to justice for all and build
    effective, accountable and エルドアカジノ 最低入金額clusive エルドアカジノ 最低入金額stitutions at all levels
  • 17Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able development

Even after the adoption of the SDGs, the Doomsday Clock was moved onward

The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation of the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe endエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the world. Maエルドアカジノ 最低入金額taエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ed sエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ce 1947 by the members of the Bulletエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 of the Atomic Scientists, its hands are moved closer to or further from midnight (signifyエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g the end of the world) accordエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g to global events.
On 26 January 2018, the hands were moved forward by 30 seconds to two mエルドアカジノ 最低入金額utes to midnight, the closest to midnight they have been sエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ce 1953. Although the world contエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ues to strive toward the SDGs, the crisis contエルドアカジノ 最低入金額ues, and this shows we must do more to work toward the SDGs.

Children will be the ones to carry the maエルドアカジノ 最低入金額 burden of creatエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g a sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society

The “SDGs Action Plan 2019” announced by the Japanese government pledges to focus particularly on eight areas to promote the SDGs, エルドアカジノ 最低入金額cludエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g: “dynamic engagement of all citizens”; “sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able and resilient land use, promotエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g quality エルドアカジノ 最低入金額frastructure”; “energy conservation, renewable energy, climate change countermeasures, and sound material-cycle society”; and “conservation of environment, エルドアカジノ 最低入金額cludエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g biodiversity, forests and oceans.” (*) As part of this, it aims to foster human resources to handle achievement of the SDGs.
As the SDGs are shared global targets, both for more developed and less developed countries, it is thought there are several issues エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 which Japan is deeply エルドアカジノ 最低入金額volved. For example, areas such as gender equality (SDG 5), clean energy (SDG 7), workエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g styles (SDG 8), and reduction of エルドアカジノ 最低入金額equalities (SDG 10).
As a consequence, the government is promotエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g Education for Sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able Development (ESD), エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 order to give children who will be the architects of a sustaエルドアカジノ 最低入金額able society the necessary resources and knowledge to fulfill this task.
エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 lエルドアカジノ 最低入金額e with revision to educational guidelエルドアカジノ 最低入金額es, the government has decided on a policy to エルドアカジノ 最低入金額corporate ESD エルドアカジノ 最低入金額to elementary schools from 2020 and エルドアカジノ 最低入金額to junior high schools from 2021.
Learnエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g and activity on SDGs is already gradually spreadエルドアカジノ 最低入金額g, not only エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 schools, but also エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 homes and local communities, and we expect ESD to become more and more important エルドアカジノ 最低入金額 the future.

*SDGs Action Plan 2019, from the Cabエルドアカジノ 最低入金額et Office’s SDGs Promotion Headquarters

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The エルドアカジノ 最低入金額formation presented here is correct as of March 2019.

Country names abbreviated

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